Alternate Title: "It's the McHatin Show with a Special Appearance by Dirk."
- Tonight's Beverage: Beck's.
- Hot weather and McHatin's distaste for John Cusack and what actors have to do.
- The differences in fantasy fiction and McHatin's childhood.
- The dangers of presuming an audience is familiar with previous similar art.
- Cloud Atlas and Lost and complex mythologies.
- The differences between the Marvel and DC movie universes prompted by this article.
- Bruce Wayne vs. Tony Stark....WHO YA GOT?!?
- Upcoming interviews with Lynda Mandolyn and Cherie Curie are teased.
- Music from Inside Out that no one is supposed to have.
- Listener question about what books have been most poorly served by their movie adaptation is answered.
- Unmentioned during the show because we moved on too quickly, but there's a book on the making of The Bonfire of the Vanities called The Devil's Candy: The Anatomy Of A Hollywood Fiasco.
- Emmy nominations announced and as predicted Tatiana Maslany didn't get nominated for Orphan Black. ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA! (The Huff Poo agrees: Emmy Nominations 2013 Biggest Snub: 'Orphan Black' Star Tatiana Maslany Was Robbed)
- This is the same actress and they all act different, but it's not good enough? Perhaps if she was Tracy Ullman?
- Comic-Con preview discussion, McHatin's lack of interest in Jamie Foxx's Electro and the challenges of superhero costumes and adapting Wonder Woman.
- The problem with movie trailers - too many, 20-second teasers for 60-second teaser trailers, international trailers. Enough!
- Why is Spike Lee remaking Oldboy?
- Other movie trailers discussed:
- Dirk's Spring Breakers review.
- Discussion of Pacific Rim and by "discussion" we mean Dirk calling out the cheap date nerds who have giving it a pass despite its insurmountable flaws for about a half-hour. He mad, bro! (Related reviews: The Dark Knight Reloaded and Real Steel.)
- The VR scene from Disclosure that's referenced:
- A list of hot babes with small breasts.