Alternate Title: "Can't Be Trusted To Not Eat All The Paste"
- Special Co-Host: Otto the Autopilot
- Tonight's Beverage: Smirnoff Ice Green Apple (It's time for Smirnoff to start advertising on the show.)
- Pour out for Harold Ramis' passing.
- Discussion of our beverage, where Otto buys it, the practical uses of bleeping profanity, and Gwenyth Paltrow. No kidding!
- Is FaceSpace screwing us and other pages on getting to our fans? These videos strongly imply maybe:
- A recap of the Erotic Poetry Festival. Check out the Impaler, Dena Luckett, and Jimmy Doom episodes that we did for the run-up to the festival.
- Mrs. Otto! Hubba hubba!
- More discussion of Harold Ramis's passing. Bill Murray had been estranged, but may've patched things up.
- Roger Hill - Cyrus from The Warriors - also died:
- A lesson on how potholes are made.
- Adam Driver from Girls set to be Star Wars villain.
- The first photos from Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame To Kill For and the disappointment Dirk has had in Robert Rodriguez's works lately.
- The surprising crowd for NASCAR races.
- Extensive discussion of the upcoming Oscar's ceremony and the nominated movies. We'd link to Dirk's reviews if he'd written them already.
- Dirk's Avatar review and rant about the "Unobtanium" speech.
- Mrs. Otto calls in to 'help.'
- Ang Lee's career as a bridesmaid and Sofia Coppola's film oeuvre.
- J.Law! It's not show notes without a J.Law photo!
- How Disney and Pixar seem to have flipped roles.
- Dirk's Cars review that was so controversial.
- A lengthy discussion of Ridley Scott's very uneven career, also contrasted to his brother Tony's.
- Otto's preference for the original theatrical version of Blade Runner with the "happy ending" and narration.
- The comparison of the Final Cut and original versions of Zhora's retirement:
- Dirk and Otto reveal their 1st and 2nd favorite movies.
- The collected works of Starlog magazine, scanned and posted here. The specific issue that turned on the (dim) light bulb over Dirk's head about filmmaking.
- The book Dirk never got around to mentioning:
- A pair of Network scenes referred to:
- Movie Bob's explanation as to who the Guardians of the Galaxy are.
- The Gravity "blooper" shot...
...and a taste of how the VFX were done: