Alternate Title: "Dropped Off at Van Dyke & Harper"
- Special Co-Host: Otto the Autopilot
- Tonight's Beverage: Smirnoff Ice Green Apple (Still waiting for that sponsorship, Smirnoff.)
- The disagreements begin immediately as to the merits of Tom Waits as strip club music.
- The disconnect between how many people are listening vs. interacting via the FaceSpace page. Come on by and say hello!
- Tons of mop-up from last week's show.
- RIP Hal Douglas:
- Oscar nominees with their younger selves via Photoshop magic.
- The first 11 minutes of Captain America: The Winter Soldier were briefly online, so we talk about it. (No link available now.)
- The From Dusk Till Gone: The Series series (is this grammatically correct?) is touched upon.
- The extra-fun kiddie murder episode of The Walking Dead and speculation about the season finale.
- SNL's Rosetta Stone spoof.
- Is David Lynch's Dune misunderstood? Dig the lasers coming out of the Guild Navigator's butt in the clip there.
- Learn about Alan Smithee here.
- Maggie Q at the Divergent premiere:
- A discussion of whether third movies in series suck.
- A big digression into Xanadu on our way to X-Men with a detour into Pixar losing the plot and whether Disney is evil.
- How John Carter's trailers killed the movie. ADD LINK
- Talk about Iron Man 2.
- The stunning revelation about someone's negative feelings about Terminator 2 which pretty much derails the show.
- Dirk's Roku and the fragmented experience in streaming, especially Amazon's refusal to support Android for video.
- The mindlessness of iTards.
- Jimquisition: Why PS4 is Beating Xbox One’s Arse.
- Google stopped underlining links.
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West video game and Lindsey Shaw who plays Trip in the game as well as Emily's girlfriend Paige on Pretty Little Liars:
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