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Alternate Title: "Let's Talk About Chicks, Man"
- Special Co-Host: Otto the Autopilot
- Tonight's Beverage: Smirnoff Ice Raspberry (Dirk); Crown Royal (Otto)
- Stumble out of the gate with three cracks at the intro and the false promise of doing the Deep Thoughts Musicians Quiz game.
- Comparing Christmas loot hauls.
- What makes The Grinch Who Stole Christmas good. (Not Dr. Seuss.)
- Discussion of Dirk getting Watchmen Collector's Edition: Ultimate Cut + Graphic Novel [Blu-ray]
and Alan Moore's stories, particularly Batman: The Killing Joke, Deluxe Edition
. (The original inked panel showing a nude Barbara Gordon.)
- The evolution of Batman in comics and movies.
- Escher Girls.
- The 40 Worst Rob Liefeld Drawings.
- Alicia Silverstone's body. Dirk didn't get to mention that she's modeled nude for a PeTA ad since she's vegetarian.
- The whole kerfuffle about body-shaming/fat-shaming/shame-shaming.
- Debate over who should play Wonder Woman with Otto's ideal and lookalikes Lucy Hale and Phoebe Tonkin:
- J.Law: Hot or not; fat or not; was Silver Linings Playbook mismarketed; and is another Oscar in her near future?
- Hot chicks we don't want to bang.
- Anna Silk's baby weight vs. Jessica Alba and Anna Paquin. Here she is before the baby:

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